Wednesday 9 March 2016

The Disadvantages of Citizenship Education

The disadvantages of Citizenship Education in our Social Studies classroom

In a cultural diverse society like Jamaica, Citizenship Education is vital to development of the countries' human resources as well as economic development. In addition, Citizenship education helps to equip young people to deal with situations of conflict and controversy knowledgeably and tolerantly (Huddleston, 2015). It helps to equip them to understand the consequences of their actions, and those of the adults around them (Huddleston, 2015). However, they are disadvantages of Citizenship Education. These disadvantages in some cases evolve into trends and issues in Citizenship Education.

Through a global perspective, we can appreciate a diversity that exist as it pertains to the disadvantages of Citizenship Education. Developed and developing countries are experiencing different types of shortcomings in Citizenship Education in their country. Initially, in a country like South Africa, learners often did not see the relevance of citizenship education to their lives, felt disenfranchised from the political system and disillusioned with continued inequalities and disparities (Hammett & Staeheli, 2009, p. 2). Jamaica faced similar challenges in Citizenship Education such as the relevance of the subject or course to their everyday lives and lack of interest or participation in the political system. For instance, there is a portion of the Jamaica youth population that is political apathetic and demonstrate any interest in the democratic system.
In addition, another challenge was the availability and accessible of resources to teach Citizenship. In South Africa, materials and resource constraints in all schools experienced in different ways undermined the ability of educators to deliver the curriculum and hindered the development of a safe and positive learning environment (Hammett & Staeheli, 2009, p. 2). In Britain, It is viewed that the responsibility of Citizenship teachers should solve political and social problems like apathy, low voter turnout, alienation and an absence of social cohesion. But British Citizenship teachers have recommended that in expecting teachers and schools to solve these problems; one has to redefine the role of teaching and education. However, it is now possible to identify a consensus that citizenship education can be used as a vehicle for social change and as a way of preventing certain social problems (Pinson, 2007; Pearce & Hallgarten, 2000).

Joshua Black
4th Year History and Social Studies Student
Bethlehem Moravian College



  1. The best way to end this crisis is to educate the youths about their rights, freedoms, roles and responsibilities as citizens. Civics education is an excellent medium to do so.

    1. I agree with you, Ms. Moore. Therefore, adequate resources, mechanism and materials must be available in classroom and outside of it; to facilitate such a proactive approach. From the government to the people must be apart of wave to curb the disadvantages of citizenship.

    2. The education sector had now opted to re-introduce the Civics education back in schools. As it will help instil national pride and contribute to nation building.

  2. I must agree with you Mr. Black that citizenship education is the vehicle for social change, as through citizen education one can develop a greater understanding of their role as a citizen of a country.

  3. Agreed and help to inform the ignorant about its importance of being cognizant about citizenship education. Therefore, greater emphasis will be placed on it.

    1. That's true. Educating them will create awareness and eager to learn and that's the attitude of good citizens

  4. Miss Nelson,Mr. Black and Miss Moore I agree fully and whole-heartedly with you all, that citizenship education is indeed vital to our country's growth and development. Students' that are in schools today does not see citizenship education as an essential to our society. I think citizenship education will help students' to have a more neutral understanding towards our society, for example: our democratic process in terms of our political system, roles and responsibility of being a good citizen, etc.

  5. Citizenship education should be a compulsory for students at all levels of education in our Jamaican schools and worldwide. This is very important because our children shape the future and educating them will stimulate nationalism and patriotic feelings that will drive them to develop our country for good. Additionally, students will be educated about their past and learn to appreciate the success we have made as Jamaicans. Therefore we need to overcome the challenges we face in citizenship education for the best of our country.

  6. I strongly believe that citizenship education should be thought in every school. Students need to know the roles and responsibilities of a good and citizen. They should also know their rights as citizens in order to function in ones country. It is also good that the civics curriculum is being reintroduce in our school today as this will better able students to learn how to be good citizens. When students are thought these citizenship related subjects they will be better able to function in the society.

  7. i agree with you all.according to the fasmous philosopher Socrates,"i cannot teach anybody anything,i can only make them think,".teaching citizenship in school will allow students to think critically and question things.citizenship education is very important to society.therefore it is up to us as social studies teacher to act as a guide and encourage students to become empericist,question society,reasonin,investigating etc.because it is only through this will we have good citizens.we as a country need to move away from being rationalist,taking things as it is,not question or investigating things,assuming was marcus garvey who said “Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men”.therefore citizenship education is away of liberating the minds of our students allowing them to think and make their own decisions especially political this country we need active citizen and so i strongly believe civic education is definetly a step in the right direction.

  8. Citizenship Education is so very vital to the development of this country.It goes beyond just rights and responsibilities.The recent general elections made us realize that persons did not even know the electoral process.
    These are matters that must be addressed if this country is going to become developed.
    Civics is as important as Mathematics and English Language in school.

  9. I agree Mrs. Blythe-Miles, having the fact that persons have misconceptions and ignorance about the electoral system. Therefore, civics should be considered important and put into practice through the various means for both persons in the society and school. As a result, greater appreciation will be made for the subject or the course.

  10. I agree Mrs. Blythe-Miles, having the fact that persons have misconceptions and ignorance about the electoral system. Therefore, civics should be considered important and put into practice through the various means for both persons in the society and school. As a result, greater appreciation will be made for the subject or the course.

  11. Can't you just put advantages??
    This is wack

  12. Good points raised . But what are some drawbacks of letting children known their rights ?
